Sunday, November 15, 2015

Yum, Yum, Run, Run

I am really enjoying these readings. My favorite by far has been The Two Traveling Companions. I think it has been my favorite so far because of the fact that the tailor is so much of a human. What I mean by this is he isn’t a knight who is beyond legends and can overcome anything with his sword and his strength. The tailor also is affected by stress and fear unlike many heroes we see who fear nothing. The tailor fears the consequences of the king if he cannot complete the tasks the kings asks for him to. He is not arrogant and does not foolishly think he can do these tasks without any trouble. Instead, he fears he will fail and he runs from fear of the consequences. Although this can be seen as cowardly, it can also be seen as smart. The tailor also shows compassion towards many different creatures and in return he receives their help in his time of need. This is what I like about this story the most; you cannot do everything on your own and you should always help those who need it so when you need help yourself, they will feel more inclined to help you.  Also, let’s be honest, I like seeing justice being served. Therefore, when the shoemaker lost his way at the end, I was sort of happy.
The next reading I really want to talk about is Hans My-Hedgehog. This story was interesting to say the least. A boy born to a mother and father who is half boy, half hedgehog and can play the bagpipes, what else is there to say? Oh yeah, he can “take off” his hedgehog half off his body and turn into a normal looking boy. When I read this I was completely shocked, I did not see that coming. I understand the whole reason behind not taking it off in the very beginning, but it kind of still seems weird he didn’t take it off sooner.  I also didn’t like the fact that the boy let his father return with him to the kingdom with him. He didn’t want you when you were a hedgehog-boy, why would you want him now?
Finally, The Cat and the Mouse Set Up House was a fun read as well. This reading had an ending I didn’t see coming. . . not. I knew as soon as the cat started eating the fat that it was going to come winter time and there would be no food left to eat so the cat would end up eating the mouse. Although it didn’t quite end up as I thought, the mouse still ended up being eaten. What can you expect? It is a cat and a mouse. Not quite sure what the lesson here would be; don’t say too much? Either way, this reading was funny; I loved the names the cat came up with; come on mouse, those names were a dead give away from the very beginning.
Image result for tom eating jerry

These readings have been very interesting; it is fun to read these stories in the non-Disney version. They have some of the same elements as the Disney movies, but have many differing elements as well; especially the cannibalism, murder, and mutilation elements of them.


  1. The Cat and the Mouse Set Up House was my favorite of the stories we read, though that might just be because I grew up watching Tom and Jerry. As Grant mentioned, I found this story predictable but that wasn't a bad thing. Logically, the cat eating the mouse was the only realistic ending to the story (and we all know how realistic the Brothers Grimm like to be...). However, I found it to be a solid story despite the fact that I have no idea what the mouse was thinking moving into a house with a cat. This was very clearly not a good life decision. Maybe that is the moral of this story, make smart decisions and do not move in with someone higher up on the food chain than you... bad things tend to happen like winter and hunger.

  2. Haha yes! Tom and Jerry is the first thing I thought of when reading The Cat and the Mouse Set Up House. I wonder, did this tale inspire the creators of the cartoon show? I also love reading fairy tales because they are a step away from the normal novels I read for other classes. It’s nice to read something simple, short and concise with morals sprinkled throughout. The tale of Hans-My-Hedgehog is another of my favorites. I’ll be honest in saying I thought the tale was going to be about an actual hedgehog not some weird human/hedgehog hybrid. I really want one for a pet now, they are so dang cute. Anyways, I was also upset that he invited his father to come live with him at the castle after everything he put him through. I mean, he basically threw him out of the house when he was a babe. Not exactly loving in my book.
