Monday, November 2, 2015

Sparknotes to the Rescue
            I read Act 1 Scene 1 and had no idea what was going on.  I was willing to at least try to read the Tempest without using Sparknotes but to no success.  This is not my first time reading Shakespeare but I remember having such a hard and frustrating time reading it I was dreading reading the Tempest for this class.
            I really enjoyed Act 1 scene 2.  It was interesting to see Prospero manipulate his daughter as an attempt to get back into power, and marry his daughter to the new King of Naples since the old king dies in the shipwreck.  Reading it from the book was a challenge though.  I didn’t understand what was really going on till I read it on Sparknotes.  The language used in the text from the book is very hard to understand and follow so most times I just glance over it or skip words.  The first Act seems to be setting the scene for later events and giving backstory to help you understand what is going on for later scenes and acts. 

            I would love to see this on stage, even if the original text is used on stage.  I feel that having the visual cues from the actors on stage and set on the stage would make it easier to follow because the viewer would have clues as to what is going on.  As for just reading the text and having to imagine everything, I tended to focus more what was going on in my head.  When I started reading I at first thought they were in a castle while the storm was going on, then I figured out they were on a boat.  Had a hard time following who was who and it was really hard to read because I like having a picture of what I am reading in my mind.  If I don’t understand what the text is saying it gets very frustrating, makes it hard to follow, and completely ruins a chance for a mental image of what is happening.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I feel you in the difficulty of understanding this and any shakespeare whatsoever. I tried reading this over again to understand better, it seemed to do just the trick. I find that apparently taking your time to read it, makes it more clear, but sparknotes is easier, so go ham.
