Monday, November 2, 2015

Ah.... The Tempest.... We Meet Again...

I love this story, and re-reading it for class reminds me of the bitterness that I have for not being able to see it in Central Park earlier this year, but anyways…
In regards to this class and what we have thus far understood magic to represent—demons, crazy women and witches, among other things—Prospero and his experience with magic is refreshing. Surely, his interest in magic has implications, hence the life on an island, but Shakespeare seems to be less focused on the demonic implications of magic, and more so the abilities of the art of magic. Nevertheless, Miranda refers to her father’s magic as “his art,” but contextually she is referencing this art as something negative: the storm is hurting these men and she cannot understand why, saying “If by your have/ Put the wild waters in this roar, allay them/…I have suffered/ With those that I saw suffer!” (1.2.1-6). Prospero, though, has control over the situation, almost like a director orchestrating a dangerous scene for a film—a car crash or even an explosion—where he or she knows that the situation is under control, and that the people are safe. It is a new idea of a magician that Shakespeare is portraying. Doubled with the idea that this is a father, who cares for his daughter, and appears to have been protecting her from the pain of his personal experience with magic and the people on the ship.  

We are reminded though, of the negative forms of magic, but it appears that they are represented as evil in the play as well—the “foul witch Sycorax” (1.2.309). She is exactly what the people from pretty much every text in the anthology would hang by the stake and kill, and she also appeals to pretty much every modern negative connotation and association of witches. She is portrayed as a hag, evil and has an almost deranged quality that, by nature, Shakespeare’s audiences knows to dislike and distrust her. Even outside of what we learn about Sycorax, we know that she is no good, simply because of what we know about witches. At least for myself, ignoring what I already know about this play, I imagine that one must be concerned about what to think of Prospero. Is he the opposite of Sycorax on the witchy-evil spectrum, or is he just as bad, taking Ariel as a servant. Considering he essentially stole the island from Caliban and his mother, I am not entirely sure.

Also, I loved this. 
Maybe you will too!


  1. Great post. Amazing pic and entertaining video. I think you are so right. The book easily portrays the classic expected image of a witch. I do want to mention that they present Prospero as this fallen man, who rebuilt himself and is all powerful. He isn't described as hideous or foul like traditional witches. His magic is powerful, growing, mysterious. As we read on, Prospero lurks in the background cloaked by magic, I can assume. He resembles the male version of magic with its mightiness causing a storm and what not.

  2. I have also been pondering the question of whether Prospero is good or bad. I feel it is too early in the play to condemn him as one or the other. He obviously cares very much for his daughter, but seeks revenge on the men who overthrew him as a Duke. Yet, his controlling demeanor and keeping of Ariel and Caliban doesn’t throw some shade his way. Prospero is not innocent and his methods could be considered sinister. I have also started to notice the irony of his name being Prospero when he has not been very prosperous lately. Instead of reveling in his dukedom, Prospero is living on a desolate island away from everyone. His saving grace and comfort is his magic and possibly his daughter. Yet, I believe his magic is what he will come to prize most in the end as seeing he possessed it before Miranda was born.

  3. I like Nicole, have been exposed to the Tempest before. As Nicole writes, the Tempest does bring us back to the manipulative magic feared by Kramer and Sprenger. After being overthrown as duke, it seems that Prospero's always got a plan. Through the use of magic Prospero regains some of the control he used to have. He enslaves Caliban and takes over the island that he inhabits. While this very much reminds me of European imperialism, I, like Kassy, cannot say for certain whether Prospero is good or bad.
