Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Merlin the interesting life story.

Sorryfor the late post, didn't understand the switch. Now I am not to familiar wi the history of Merlin, but I did enjoy the readings. There is so much going on here I just want to touch on a few things.

First off, talking baby. I never pictured Merlin young. I just had this image of him as old and powerful. So when the story highlights his youth and his flaunting demeanor it struck me. Another element of Merlin's humanity is that he ages.

I found it also quite interesting that God gives Merlin these powers because as the it says in the text "he gave this ability to the child, whose need was greater." Merlin was influenced by demonic powers. So the best way to cancel that while still givin Merlin free will is giving him good powers and letting him choose. I want to highlight the part about Merlin's need is greater. He obviously needed to be blessed by God and given such holy powers or else we might have had an antichrist roaming around. The thing that I find so interesting, is all the Mystics we have read that received their visions; they were in great need too. And so God gave them visions. Maybe Merlin was one of the first Mystics in a way

Lastly, I want to talk about how religious or how much Merlin refers to God, Jesus and the last supper. I never thought of merlin this way. He is a magician, a sorcerer, a master of the magical arts. He poofed the stone heads to where they are now (just one of many origin stories about this lol). But a man of God. Never would have pictured that. Even from the beginning my thoughts don't jump to the conclusion that God gave Merlin these powers. I just thought he was magic, one of the first know beings of magic. This is what I think anyway.

Now there is his death which I won't get into since it frustrated me. But he died in a very human way which was sad, but he was powerful so as Merlin says man should not fear death and nothing does not come that does not end,


  1. I, too enjoyed the talking baby part. when i read this the first time a year and a half ago, I had the same thought i did this time reading; i pictured Merlin being dropped stomach and face first into the ground, him pushing himself up with his arms to stand, brushing himself off, and saying "I'm good, I'm good." I also found it interesting that God gives Merlin these powers. I think it is to counterbalance the demon powers he was given while at the same time allowing him to have freewill by allowing him to decide which powers and "path"he wants to take.

  2. Talking furry demon babies are definitely an attention grabber, I must admit. I also am totally calling the whole "man of God" deal as part of Christian propaganda. I'm no history or literature buff, but I'm pretty sure the original Myrddin guy wasn't a Christian figure, just some naked hairy madman (source: Wikipedia). I will agree that it's really interesting how his humanity contrasts with his super-duper magic wizard powers, although I still feel like that ending WAS A TOTAL RIP OFF

  3. I did not really know the history of Merlin as well. The only time I have heard the mention of the name was in a video game. The parts that interested me as how even at a very young age he was wiser than most. Gifts from God and the Enemy aside, to be so young and speak in such a profound way was really interesting. It kind of reminded me of the stories from Jesus' youth. How even at a young age he baffled the elders of the church and spoke well beyond his years.
