Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Is Merlin Really Dead? Dun Dun DUNNNNNNNNN!!!

Hey guys, Peter here with another episode of "Your Crazy, But Keep Talking". Okay, so I was going from underline quote to underline quote and went from space to space in between. On the very last page of the "Prose Merlin", where he is entombed in a dark, dank, hole in the ground, the story mentioned how his cries could be heard throughout the land. No they never mention if or when they go silent. So (stick with me here), what if he dug a really deep hole out the bottom and into the air letting him out? I mean he is born of a woman AND a demon. I dont think even a very large boulder could stop him from getting out. He is magically and all powerful and, with those attributes in mind, he is most likely immortal too.

But, that is not why I am writing today. Some of you folks may not know this already, but I am a bit of a conspiracy theorist (yeah, shocking isnt it?). As I sat thinking further and further about Merlin and his so called "death", it hit me. I remembered that when Merlin was born, he was gifted with quite a bit of extra hair. Later on in his life I imagined he got rid of it at least for the sake of holding up appearances or hanging out with royalty. With that hair issue he had, there is a great way he could put it to use----- as a disguise for, say, hiding in plain sight or rather somewhat hidden site in the forests and swamps of the world. after all, in the "Vita Merlini" that we read for last week, he sounded like he enjoyed hanging out in the woods with the animals, at least until he had that McMansion built for him.

That whole idea of living in the woods brings me to my next theory: Merlin is the Sasquatch! *Cue Dramatic gasps from the audience(Lisa, Jennifer thats your cue)* I mean it would explain how there are so many sasquatch, skunk apes, boogey mman, and bigfoot sightings all around the world. He is again very powerful and magical which would make it possible for him to be in two places at once or more. Maybe, he willed the hair on his body to grow thick and matted and began to use fairies as stilts to make him look taller. Or maybe, he really was that tall and thats what made people see him as magical; which makes my sputterings just sound like the insane utterings of a man who should be residing in the looney bin with all the other crazies. But, then again it is possible! so therefore I am not insane I tell you, I swear it! Thanks for listening to my ramblings for the day and goodnight FREDERICK!!
(PS I know these are wookies but I simply could not resist)

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