Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Alright, so the sausage was a big hit with the class. I also found it a little odd and unnerving and really strange as a pair with a sausage, bird, and mouse working together in their home. However the story that left a big impression on me somehow was “The Shoes that were Danced to Pieces” because it was so dark, and the princesses were so very rude. They were literally murdering these princes and then laughing about it! Moral: don't do what your not supposed to because in the end you'll get caught. That is all fine and dandy, but what about all those decapitated heads that those princesses didn't care about enough to save. I mean I guess the princes should have stopped doing it after the first few failures but what can you do? I mean another prince always needs to go slay the dragon for the princess…..but really this story was just like a cold hearted massacre.

The other story that stood out to me was, of course, “The Juniper Tree” which had all the delicious makings of a great story (I'm so sorry). I think the concepts of reality is off so much in this story. The boy is eaten….but comes back to life. The boy's head is cut off with the apple box…stepmom wraps it in cloth back on the neck and it magically stays? Boy turns into bird….and can carry limestone. I understand that this is a magical fairytale but please have at least a few concepts that are realistic. However, I did love how the stepmom goes bonkers at the end and then just gets crushed with a limestone slab that is dropped by Bird Boy Superman. I like the justice behind it, but also what is up with the family (it's like they don't even care she's dead) I know she is terrible and all….but ouch, no mourning.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you on the heartlessness of the princesses. Many princesses throughout all the stories we've read have ridiculous demands ("if I die promise you'll be buried alive too"), and many of those involve the lives of others. To me, most of them are simply glorified serial killers. Logan raised an interesting point in her post in which she discussed the limited scope that women are represented in these stories, and I think your post contributes to her point of view. Women are either a) spoiled rotten, beautiful princesses that are being married off b) poor, beautiful servants c) old, wise servants or d) evil stepmoms. >:(
